" To use cheat.sh from your vim, install the cheat.sh-vim plugin from David Beniamine
" located at https://github.com/dbeniamine/cheat.sh-vim.
" See the page for the configuration options and the magic key combinations.
" ## Vizardry
" If you have Vizardry installed, you can run from vim:
" Invoke -u dbeniamine cheat.sh-vim
" ## Vundle
" Add the following to your Vundle Plugin list and do InstallPlugins:
" Plugin 'dbeniamine/cheat.sh-vim'
" ## Pathogen
" If you are using Pathogen, Run the following command in shell:
" git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/cheat.sh-vim.git ~/.vim/bundle/cheat.sh-vim
" ## Quick install
" git clone https://github.com/dbeniamine/cheat.sh-vim.git
" cd cheat.sh-vim/
" cp -r ./* ~/.vim