# List running container
podman ps
# List all containers created
podman ps -a
# Pull an image
podman pull vaultwarden/server:latest
# List images in local storage
podman images
# Delete a container
podman rm <container-name>
# podman
# Simple management tool for pods, containers and images.
# Podman provides a Docker-CLI comparable command-line. Simply put: `alias docker=podman`.
# More information: <>.
# List all containers (both running and stopped):
podman ps --all
# Create a container from an image, with a custom name:
podman run --name container_name image
# Start or stop an existing container:
podman start|stop container_name
# Pull an image from a registry (defaults to Docker Hub):
podman pull image
# Display the list of already downloaded images:
podman images
# Open a shell inside an already running container:
podman exec --interactive --tty container_name sh
# Remove a stopped container:
podman rm container_name
# Display the logs of one or more containers and follow log output:
podman logs --follow container_name container_id